Donnelly Design | Portfolio Categories Other
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Adventist Health – Sonora

We designed a new site and interior sign program for the new Diana J. White Cancer Institute medical office building at the Adventist Health – Sonora Medical Center. The site sign program was based on Adventist Health Site Sign Standards, but the interior sign program was custom and designed to work
closely with the quiet, sophisticated interiors.

Our scope included comprehensive site and interior code and wayfinding sign program.


Adventist Health



Sports Basement – Multiple locations

Sports Basement has a history as a company known for connecting with their communities through their unique stores. In this case they took on converting the abandoned historic Berkeley Iceland site to make it into their newest outlet. We worked* with them to develop brand signs that incorporated Sports Basement into the historic original Iceland identity signs.


Sports Basement

* Completed while working with the GNU Group

Trinity Place – San Francisco, CA

Trinity Place is the ultimate grand vision of Trinity Properties founder, Angelo Sangiacomo. When completed, this site will include 1,900 rental apartments and will be the largest constructed in San Francisco since World War II. We worked* with the project team to develop the sign program for the underground parking garage and phase 3 building and site, along with retail sign guidelines.


Trinity Properties



* Completed while working with the GNU Group

One Ala Moana – Honolulu, HI

We collaborated with Darryl Soon Design* to create this distinct branding and wayfinding program for this unique condominium development. This 23-story tower was constructed atop the Nordstrom parking structure at the renown Ala Moana Shopping Center in Honolulu. All 206 of the project’s condominiums were sold within 3 weeks of becoming available on the market.


The MacNaughton Group & Kobayashi Group


Solomon Cordwell Buenz & Benjamin Woo Architects

* Completed while working with the GNU Group

Dodge Ridge Ski Resort – Pinecrest, CA

Donnelly Design created a new site and interior branding and wayfinding program as part of their development of the new Family Lodge. The program included digital graphics panels for the ticketing area and branding and menu boards for the North Fork Bistro.


Dodge Ridge


Field Paoli